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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Amish Friendhsip Bread

A friend brought Amish Friendship Bread starter to church last Sunday. No one would take it at first. I somehow ended up with two. My dear daughter asked if she could do it. Sounded like a great idea.

She mushed and mushed and checked it each day. My husband tried to throw it away; Each day.

I checked the internet for prettier versions of the directions. I spent way too long doing this and came up with nothing. I posted an offer for starter on Facebook. Someone mentioned freezing theirs.

It came time to divide the starter and bake bread; just in time for our homegroup that night. We had no sugar, toddler refused to nap. Plans fell apart. I ended up in bed with a migraine. Three days later, dear friend Pani Kathleen asked if she could drive up for a visit. I hated to ask her, but could she, being the foodie that I am not, help my daughter make this bread?
She went out and bought milk and sugar and came over. We donned aprons. We didnt have enough oil. She went to the store. We didnt have vanilla pudding. I went to the store. Came back up the driveway because I had left my wallet on top of the van and it was now in the driveway. Pulled over again when cell phone slipped off the van into the engine. That must have been up there too. Went in to buy pudding and didnt know what size. Bought all sizes. Left my car keys in the store. Why didnt I bring a purse?

The sweet bread takes an hour to bake and I hadnt gotten the chicken ready to bake for our dinner. Husband came home to a hot house and no dinner. He shaped hamburgers while he watched a basketball game. Not exactly my plan.

How does adding one "extra" thing into a day cause EVERYTHING to get discombobulated, topsy turvy and three kinds of crazy? Does this happen to everyone or just me?

Bread turned out VERY VERY good by the way! Would YOU like a starter?

Review: The "Me Time" Myth (a WEe-book)

I read something today that I want to share with you...
The "Me Time" Myth by Amy Roberts

For awhile now, I have been running on empty while trying to figure out what this "wife and mother" thing should look like. I don't want to go off by myself to recharge. I want to be content while HERE where God has placed me with the blessings that He has given me. I am so needed and so busy here that if I take time out, the needs pile up as does my discontent. I want to be better at what Im doing, but not by running away. I have tried that route and it's not working for me.

I like the very idea of a WEe-book. It is grand. It isn't a thick theology book to mull over, or a long day over coffee with a friend. A wee-book could be more likened to a quick conversation in the grocery store that leaves you thinking and refreshed. I don't know about you, but I don't have the time available right now for all day coffee with a friend but I do have the intellectual need and the desire for its accountablility.

I agree with the views of Amy Roberts regarding "Me Time" and was encouraged and convicted by her WEe-book. It felt as if she looked into my heart, took my ponderings, made them coherent and delved a little deeper into what I meant to say. As I read this WEe-book I found myself yelling, "YEAH!" outloud as I reassured myself that somone else agreed with what I was trying to say.