Still lOVE lOVE lOVE this planner and look forward to using it every year.
Sheri Graham improved it! Little tweaks here and there, new and improved graphics, holiday coloring pages and an added two weeks after the holidays.">

This planner is an especially good fit for me because I have great ideas but am not much of a beforehand planner. I can see after the fact what we should have done differently. I now have a place to record these flops and improve next year. There are so many good ideas and implementations in here-
Sheri Graham does what I don't even think of.
She plans out things like:
- doubling meals and freezing before the holiday rush so you don't have to make dinner DURING the holiday rush.
-planning time to make decorations and gifts for others (with tons of great ideas and links)
Do you have those moments on Christmas morning when you think: OH MAN! I forgot to extra coffee? Why didn't I freeze muffins and buy sausage when it was on sale? Oh NO! Did I mail them a Christmas card already? With a holiday planner as great as this on, you won't anymore:)
The neat thing about having a planner that I come back to each year is that I can figure out what works best for us and repeat it each year instead of spending the whole Holiday season planning. I like the idea of: plan once and celebrate repeatedly.
You want to know more about this planner, right?
Here is the full product description:
What you will find in this 171 page ebook:
Blank monthly and weekly calendar pages for planning your year
Weekly "To Do" lists showing exactly what needs to be done each week
Thanksgiving and Christmas Menus forms
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Recipe Card forms
A Holiday Self-Evaluation form
Shopping Lists
"Sheri's Tips"- tips to make your holidays meaningful, shared throughout the ebook
Christmas Craft and Gift Ideas
Memory Making Ideas for the Family
Holiday Journal Pages
Many, many forms such as:
Christmas Gift Shopping List
Gift Making Checklist
Christmas Card Checklist
Holiday Wardrobe Planner
List of Baked Items to Share/Give Away
Favorite Meals to Freeze for Later
Decoration Ideas
Needed Supplies to Purchase This Week
Holiday Baking Schedule
Kids' Gift Idea List
Christmas Gifts to be Shipped
PLUS!!! Two bonus weeks with family tradition ideas, menus, and
PLUS!!! Some of our favorite holiday recipes!
PLUS!!! Holiday Coloring Pages!
Here are some sample pages.
You can purchase your own planner: HERE
You can win one! yes I really mean it!
Sheri Graham offered me a copy to share with you. I feel so honored!
To enter, do any (or all) of the following, and leave a comment for each:
*like Graham Family Ministries on Facebook
*follow this blog
*tell me your favorite holiday tradition, memory, or something I should add to ours
*purchase something else at Graham Family Ministries.and tell me about it
This planner begins October 2nd. To ensure enough time to get all situated and excited-- I will choose a winner (at random) on 9/29/2010.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I just stopped by yours and found this great giveaway! I love the idea of this planner. I really struggle with the idea of Christmas as my daughter gets older. I don't want the true meaning of Christmas to get lost in the hustle and bustle. I'm your newest follower!
What an awesome giveaway! I could really use a planner like this. I know it would help me enjoy Christmas a little more! Stopping by from the Hop Homeschool Hop!
Stopping by from the homeschool hop.
I follow your blog
A favorite holiday tradition is making pumpkin roll as a family to give to our neighbors.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I just liked Graham Family Ministries on Facebook. :)
I also now follow your blog. :)
Our favorite family tradition is our children put together a CHRISTmas event complete with singing, playing piano, reading the CHRISTmas story, etc. :)
My favorite tradition with my daughter is the advent calendar with chocolate in it and going to the Christmas Eve church service every year. The service is always so beautiful and makes me cry!
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
This looks like an incredible planner!
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving!
Stopping by to say "Hi" from the Hip Homeschool Hop!
I just wanted to introduce myself as the newest member of the HHM team - I'm looking forward to getting to know you!
- Ashley Pichea
I "liked" Graham Family Ministries on Facebook! :)
ashleypichea at gmail dot com
Hi!! I'm a new follower. Your blog is awesome!!!! And what an awesome giveaway!
I liked Graham Family Ministries on facebook.
our favorite Christmas tradition is getting together with friends for a cookie baking day and the kids all make gifts for parents or friends.
I'm a new follower - Look forward to reading more. This planner looks like something I really really need. I get caught up in trying to do way to much and fail to enjoy some time with Jesus. Planning to do some things differently this year. Thanks for the tip.
One of my favorite holiday traditions is one that I started when my first daughter was born. Each year I buy the girls a special ornament for our tree. When they leave home one day they will already have ornaments to use on their own trees.
amyeaton07 at yahoo dot com
Oh I'd love to win this!
My extended immediate family (including inlaws and grandparents) gives each other person a $1 gift. There's 15 of us now, so it's just $15 spent by each person. We all search all year for the best gift for everyone else, as in I watch for 75% or 90% off at Target to give a $10 gift that I only spend $1 on. This exchange is our very favorite part of Christmas family celebration!
I already own the older version, but wanted to chime in about how much I LOVE this planner too! I wanted to facebook this giveaway for you, but FB is down right now...grrrr...
Hopefully, I can give a shout out soon b/c this really is a great product for the holidays!
What a cute idea!
I liked you on facebook :)
I am a follower!!
mitzslagle @ yahoo.com
One of my favorite traditions:
We have 9 living children --- our oldest children (even the ones not living with us) will stay up late on Christmas eve to help wrap gifts. We always have the best time telling past stories, listening to Christmas music etc....
What a great idea! I love the idea of a complete planner all the way through the fall and holiday season.
I am now following you. Thanks!
I follow you google connect.
jenndiggy at gmail dot com
My favorite holiday memory is 1983. I was 9 years old and our entire town lost electric on Christmas eve. It was cold out, and we spent the night at my uncle's house. That is the only year I have never awaked on Christmas day at home!
i "like" Graham Family Ministries on facebook
i am following your blog via GFC
i am following your blog via GFC
I follow in GFC! What a wonderful giveaway! We have always enjoyed the tradition of the advent calendar! I recall as a young girl, my grandfather reading the day's Scripture and my grandmother opening the little windows each year! We always went to Christmas Eve Services together, a treasured time!
I follow in GFC! It's refreshing to find a Holiday Planner that empasizes the reason for the season. I would really love to win this wonderful giveaway!
I like them on FB
FB ID april yedinak
I follow via GFC
My favorite Christmas memories always involve family get-togethers and decorating with my mom. One year we worked on a gingerbread house together for hours and we couldn't get the icing to hold our stuff, so finally mom got out her glue gun! She just made sure to tell everyone to not eat the display because of the glue. Hahaha!
What a great giveaway! One of our traditions is eating yummy monkey bread on Christmas morning!
I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.
God Bless You ~Ron
I am a GFC Follower
Thanks for the chance
Love this blog. Blog hop follower follow back
Would love to win! I follow your blog!
I think i am too late to enter this and I probable live too far away...I just wanted to say that I think this is such a great idea. i will have to go and have a look. Thanks!
Best wishes,
Sorry I did not leave my address. I am so excited about winning this planner and anxious to get started!
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