I love literature. I love books. My husband loves books. Literature shapes us and there is nothing like hearing a book read out loud to you. There was a period of time where I had surgery and my husband had a back injury, we read out loud. Most of the day. We read and read and enjoyed so much together. We both got on our feet again and were blessed with two more babies. Life got busier and busier.
Don't misunderstand, we read. We read and read and read. We read to our youngest children. Our older children read to younger children (and to each other) but there are also times when its just easier to turn on Sponge Bob. I want to make it easier to quickly get good literature.
Spurred on by June being national audio book month. I wanted to set my 10 year daughter up with an Ipod of audio books but when I started looking online for downloads I had trouble finding ones worth reading/listening to.
I was contacted by Molly of
My Audio School, which she founded in 2009 to "give children safe and easy internet access to classic audio books, educational radio drama and television and radio broadcasts of historic events." I was so so impressed by the site. It's content and quality are exemplary. While searching the internet myself I had trouble finding worthy titles, but once on My Audio School, I immediately wanted to listen to many. And I could. We could.
My Audio School came out of Molly's desire for her children. Molly has a son with dyslexia, she didn't let that stop him from having access to good literature and a good education. She has chosen titles and content for her site with amazing vigor. Vigor that our families can now benefit from. I am so grateful for that.
There are many areas in my life where I could improve. Many that I want to. Honestly though, sometimes there just isn't the time or energy or resources to figure out or implement these changes. Starting in June, our family will be exposed to and benefit and grow from more literature and more reading out loud thanks to My Audio School.
********AND guess what? My Audio School has generously offered a one year subscription (a $14.99 value) to one of our readers!!
to enter:
tell me a book from your childhood that stands out in your mind
extra entries:
<3 head over to my Audio School and come back to tell me one title you want to sink into right now
Keep in mind that what you see listd is only a small fraction of what is available to members.
<3 like my
Audio School on Facebook
<3 become a follower of this site
I will choose a winner (through random.org) on 6/30