As it is, I buy a set every few years. plates and bowls for 8. usually at Big Lots or the 99 cent store. Somewhere under a dollar a piece. I bought some gorgeous red plates at Mervyns when I worked there one holiday season. They cheaped too easily. I bought a pckaged set of Better homes and Garden dishes on clearance at Walmart. They chipped way too quickly. It would seem that cheap dishes don't last long--that it takes dishes of quality to stand up to life in our house. My 13 year old and 11 year old sons do all the dishes, and ironically, it is usually I who break the dishes.
That is, until we moved in here. our sink is now in an island made of marble. Apparently when you bump a dish into marble, it breaks. Our kitchen floor is travertine tile. It is very tough. My kids were playing a board game and dropped a die on the tile. It shattered. Seriously. We have broken melamine like crazy.
SOOOO I was feeling sorry for myself on Mothers Day and when we ran out of diapers I headed to the store and stopped by Goodwill. Something caught my eye.

I bought nine of the cereal bowls and nine of the salad plates for....49 cents each. Apparently they are Vallarta made for Pier One 2005-2006. They sell for quite a lot elsewhere. They did have more pieces and now I'm wondering if they are still there:)
How often do you buy dishes? Do you have a a pattern/style that you love? Where do you shop for dishes?
I'm linking up at:


2nd time around Tuesday

It's a good thing you ran out of diapers...because I love those plates! :) How fun!
I have a blue/white kitchen so most of my plates match that...but your post is inspiring me to branch out a little :D Maybe I need to add some more color to my stash!
(and thanks for visiting my blog!)
Oh my gosh! I can totally relate! We have Mexican tile floor (the hard, almost cement type) and a porcelain sink. Awful! I break so may things in that sink (especially wine glasses) and the girls have broken thick glass cups on the floor many times!
I bought a nice set of yellow and blue plates (to match my yellow kitchen) at Target many many years ago. I actually bought three sets so I would have a total of 12 pieces for a dinner party. Since then we've only broken one piece and if it weren't for Eric taking goodies to the neighbors in the good dishes, I'd still almost have a complete set. I've found that Target sells good quality dish sets, so that's where I'll go next time. I just waited until they were on sale (so I'm getting the same high quality at a lower price).
gotta love goodwill! personally I LOVE dishes! my cupboards are full, dinner sets, serving bowls and plates, you name it. I popped in with tuesday tag-along, and now I'm a follower!
I'm follower #152...your newest follower from tuesday Tag a Long.
WOW! What a great deal!!!!!LOL I too am the one that ends up breaking something!
Glenda @ Me and Mine in a Small Town
Hi Kathy, I'm giving you an award! It is the Versatile Blogger award. I'll be posting the details on my blog this evening, so pop over when you can.
Stopping by from Friday Follow to say Hi! I am your newest follower
Please stop by and see my review on Molly's Money Making Digest:
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A new follower from TGC! I am a dish lover as well.I have way too many. Even separate ones for holidays! I have recently bought the plain white plates and coffee mugs at the dollar store and write quotes and scripture on them in black paint pen for friends! They look gret on plate stands.Have a great weekend!
Hi, following from Follow Me Friday at Trendy Treehouse!!
Hello there! Just stopping by from the Friday Follow to check out your blog. Come follow back if you get the chance...I have some nice giveaways, recipes, and book reviews going! Have a good weekend!
Cute dishes! Following you from Follow Me Friday.
stopping by from Friday Follow. You have a beautiful family!! :)
Visiting from NEW FRIEND FRIDAY, Yes the cheap dishes do chip and break easily(and there are no children in my house)buta lot of them are so darned cute that I buy them anyway!
Stopping by from Follow Me Fridays to say Hi.I am your new follower. You have a beautiful family!
Have you tried the Corelle dishes? We got a set as a wedding gift, they're light weight and do not break. I've dropped them a lot, and no chips or anything.
I'd love to branch out and get more dishes -love the plate you got- but I'll have to wait til we are a little more financially stable :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to visit anytime :-)
Those are beautiful dishes. I would have absolutely snatched them up too! My dishes are boring...very boring...I hope to find some fabulous new ones to go with my new kitchen! So happy you stopped over from TTA. I am a new follower!
504 Main
HI there, Happy Friday.
I don't buy dishes very often at all. But I love your deal. I would denfintely head over and pick up some more. I like the colous and the pattern.
Drop by and visit me sometime. Love to have you.
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