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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Coming Clean

Let's come clean. I have heard a lot of talk about Shaklee and how much money you can make and live the dream. Honestly, I was turned off by it. Then, I started to hear more and more about their cleaning products being efficient, non-toxic and inexpensive.

I saw this before and after on House of Grace:

I saw  pictures of Sarah at Thrifty Decor Chic "finally" clean her oven. (and wondered if I should be cleaning mine ;) I seriously looked around at my dirty house and began thinking.

I saw this cost comparison which really made sense.

I am a chemical snob. I have a son with an auto immune disease and a million allergies. I hate hate hate the smell of almost every cleaner. I have skin that gets dry and bleeds when anywhere near cleaning products. So....I don't clean:) Not a good plan huh?

I saw this video from Rachel Ray:

This on toxic cleaners:

and another from Dr. Oz and Oprah that I couldnt figure out how to embedd or cut and paste.

After everything, I was sold. I finally did it. I took the plunge and tried Shaklee.

I was blown away. And, A little embarrassed at how much dirt I got OUT of my surroundings.

Empowered by Shaklee I:

cleaned my sink:

Wait though! I do clean my sink. I wipe it out often. I clean it with a natural stainless steal cleaner, I scrub it out with baking soda. So WHY did I manage to get soooo many paper towels of black gook when I used this stuff:

Scour off is AMAZING. It is made from cherry pits and smells WONDERFUL (remember how much I detest the small of cleaning supplies?)
Liked it soooo much I decided to tackle my oven:

It did come totally clean and shiny. By now, I knew it would. What amazed me was that I wasn't scrubbing and scraping and repeating. I was just rubbing on and then off. It was THAT easy.

Still empowered by Shaklee, this time armed with Basic H, I:
got dry erase marker out of a Boy Scout shirt. (no pictures, I was a little frustrated that someone would write on their brother's shirt :)

cleaned shag carpeting. In a few rooms. Because there was no sudsing and build up it was faster and a lot more efficient.

When a friend moved I ended up with her cleaning box and a bunch of expensive new fangled all in one cleaners. One said specifically it worked on glass and mirrors. I went to town on our 15 foot sliding doors and then our windowed office doors and then, then, I noticed it left a gooey sludge all over them. I sat down and pouted. Now I need to go back over them all with Basic H.

In the end, I am soo glad that I did try Shaklee and am wondering why it took me so sceptically long. It is more natural? Cheaper? and for me, so far it has been faster and simpler. Now my question is, do I become a distributor? If I do would you try it out? Wanna try Shaklee cleaners now?

who blogs at

 has generously and amazingly offered 5 of my readers a sample of Basic H cleaner.

yes, I said FIVE!

To enter:

Follow this blog and tell me something that you put off cleaning

for bonus entries (leave one comment for each) :
-Head over to House of Grace and see all that this powerhouse can do) and tell me which you'd like to try your sample of Basic H on
-Follow House of Grace on Facebook (Say hello for me!)

On May 31st at midnight PST I will, using choose 5 winners.

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w said...

You had me at "oven". I avoid that like the plague, hoping whatever's there will "burn off" eventually...

Salsa Mama said...

I am now following your blog. I also went to House of Grace and I think the first thing I need to tackle is my oven. Then my sink. Then my bathroom. etc. :)

Tami Jo said...

I am now following your blog. I detest cleaning the shower. I always pull out all the chemicals and then wonder why a couple days later I have a horrific cough and then think, oh I inhaled all those chemicals, and then I think, oh and I always subjected my family to those chemicals.

Anonymous said...

I am now a follower of your blog. I Do Not clean my oven; the smell of the fumes are just horrible.
ayeshia728 at yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I checked out House of Grace and I am sold on trying this on my baseboards and mirrors.

ayeshia728 at yahoo(dot)com

Selina@CreativeJuicesDecor said...

The oven is a big one - I pretty much don't deep clean but I NEED too! I'd love to try Basic H - do NOT like all the chemicals out there! Just started following you!!

Selina@CreativeJuicesDecor said...

Went over to House Of Grace - I want to use the basic H on everything!!! Can't wait to try it even if I don't win.

Anonymous said...

I put off cleaning the bathroom but it is so rewarding once I'm finished.


adrienne said...

I have the scour off and basic cleaner. I like it, but I can't get the oven window glass clean==even with the scour off. any tips?? i've even tried vinegar and baking soda. My oven is not that old either, so it's not super bad.

Bonnie @ House of Grace said...

Thanks everyone for your interest in Shaklee!!!

Adrienne, I haven't heard of it not working on the glass before. Did you try soaking it with the degreaser (Basic H) and then taking a wet sponge with Scour Off?

Please email me at for any other questions!

Bonnie :)

Martha S said...

I'm impressed by how effective these cleaning products are.